Ever since we declared a Climate Change and Biodiversity Emergency in 2019, a day in the life for me as a Climate Change Specialist has been extremely varied and no two days are ever the same!
We are aiming for our area to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 and for our council’s operations to do the same by 2030. Because of this, I’m involved with a wide range of areas, including energy, transport and reducing carbon in buildings as well as working on reducing the greenhouse gas emissions of the Council, so things like our vehicles, buildings and purchasing.
One day, I’ll be working with strategic planners to work on future policy changes, next I may be working with Economic Development officers to build and refine funding applications to help fund carbon reduction work. Other days will be working with community interest groups to help them tackle climate change and increase biodiversity work in their local communities, whether that’s advice or funding opportunities.
Currently, my work is focussed on securing funding for our Council to retrofit our buildings to make them more energy efficient. This involves close working with our Assets team, carrying out research and compiling bid applications. Alongside communicating with potential contractors who may be able to carry out the work for us if we are successful in obtaining funding.
I’m also currently working on future strategy development and action plan revisions which involves research work and organising internal stakeholder groups to help shape those pieces of work in their early stages.
We are also currently involved in a fully funded research project to understand completely the barriers residents have in making their homes more efficient. The results will be used for our future plans and will be shared with other councils across the country.
I work closely with many other partners across Devon; such as Devon County Council, and both unitary and district councils. Together with local environmental groups, community energy companies and other climate officers across the county.
We share knowledge, best practice and contribute to research and cross boundary initiatives, such as green homes grants and the work we all do on preparing and finalising the Devon Carbon Plan through the Devon Climate Emergency Partnership.
The Climate Change Committee say that our emissions reduction aims can only be achieved if we all work seamlessly together. These close working partnerships feature heavily in my day-to-day work schedule.
I feel very lucky to live in Devon, I’ve lived here all my life and I’m passionate to make sure our environment is the best it can be for our future.