EIGHT enthusiastic players turned up to play in the first of the American Tournaments of the summer season at Salcombe Tennis Club last Wednesday.

The players battled it out with more recent member Fran Gifford winning the day with a significant lead. Fran’s enthusiastic approach and fitness have shown what rapid progress can be made with good coaching and plenty of playing opportunities.

Tennis has been played regularly throughout this last winter despite the unusually wet weather – the courts at Salcombe are set up high to not only drain well but to enable the players and spectators to enjoy the spectacular view of the Ria and beautiful surrounding countryside. Fortunate to be dipped below the top of the hill, the courts are often sheltered from the winds.

Salcombe Tennis Club runs organised tennis every day during the week with roll up club session at the weekend. More tournaments are planned for the next few months so there is time for others to take on the challenge. Salcombe’s tennis year begins on May 1 each year and, with the competitive membership rates, it is a good time to join the club if you are thinking about taking up or returning to tennis.

Pickleball is also played in dry weather on the mini court and practice wall area for those who are less inclined to run the length of a full sized tennis court. Enquiries can be made through the club’s website, www.salcombetennis.club.