Local amateur jazz band Kalamazoo raised £100 last Sunday afternoon for Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital. 

This talented seven piece jazz band played popular jazz songs from the last century including such old favourites as Blue Skies and Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White.

The easy flowing music and brilliant harmonies, arranged by Fiona Webb,  entertained an enthusiastic audience at Salcombe Rugby Club who hosted the event.

Once again Club Manager Emma Woods welcomed and encouraged these amateur musicians to play at the venue where the size and layout of the room and bar is ideal for this type of event.

The comfortable friendly family club at the top of Salcombe is the ‘social centre ’ for many of the locals who live in the area.  Over the past six months or so ‘Invitation Mics’ followed by a Ukulele Sunday have established the club as an ideal venue and Sundays jazz reinforced that with more to follow later in the year. 

Events like this are perfect to draw in a good audience to a great venue and raise monies for charity at the same time.

The charity on the day was chosen by Salcombe Rugby Player Ben Wood who had raised over £2,300 for Great Ormond St the previous weekend by running the London Marathon in 3 hours 50 minutes.

Salcombe Rugby Club is described on its website as ‘a friendly family club where playing and watching rugby is a pleasant experience for all’ and Kalamazoo is a city in Michigan.